On 09/05/2011 02:33, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Chris Rees wrote:
>> On 4 September 2011 21:32, Julian H. Stacey <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
>>>> Whoops, also missed a CVE -- buffer overflows can cause a DoS.
>>>> Expiration date altered to 1 month accordingly.
>>> It is not responsible to threaten to remove ports without warning
>>> between releases for non urgent reasons.

We understand that this is your perspective, however the community in
general has a different idea.

>>> Better to deprecate such non urgent ports, & wait a while after next
>>> release is rolled, to give release users a warning & some time
>>> to volunteer (or if a firm using releases, perhaps time to allocate
>>> a staff member if a port is important to them).

That's an interesting idea, but incredibly unlikely to happen.

>> Yeah... perhaps if there isn't a vulnerability. At the moment it's
>> marked FORBIDDEN,
> Correction:
> "At the moment" all those with 8.2-RELEASE/ports still see no FORBIDDEN, 

That's what portaudit is for.

> The Attic is the standard myopic excuse, ignoring not all FreeBSD
> release users have CVS,

It is available to everyone, and trivial to configure. The fact that
removed ports still exist in CVS is not a "myopic excuse," it's a fact.

We need to make the best decisions we can to provide the best support
possible for the largest percentage of our users.


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