On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 09:36:42PM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
> He there.
> I'm finally finished the work of eliminating databases/py-pysqlite2x 
> consumers. I mean this obsoleted ports:
> databases/py-pysqlite20
> databases/py-pysqlite21
> databases/py-pysqlite22
> databases/py-pysqlite23
> They are unmaintained upstream, not existed on mastersites (besides 
> FreeBSD ones) peaces of software, deprecated upstream, that is for 
> python24 and less. All the modern software uses databases/py-sqlite3,
> that is a part of python distribution since 2.5.
> They may be safely removed after all of this guys will be committed:
> audio/pytone               ports/160053 commited
> databases/py-axiom         ports/160260 wen@
> databases/py-sqlobject     ports/160059 wen@
> deskutils/gourmet          ports/160165 beech@
> deskutils/griffith         ports/160161 unassigned
> devel/bzr-git              ports/160069 glarkin@
> games/anki                 ports/160055 unassigned
> games/gcompris             ports/160054 gnome@
> multimedia/gpodder         ports/160155 commited
> multimedia/miro            ports/160070 unassigned approved
> security/umit              ports/160072 unassigned
> security/zenmap            ports/160071 unassigned
> sysutils/flyback           ports/160157 commited
> textproc/translate-toolkit ports/160261 jpaetzel@
> www/roundup                ports/160220 sbz@
> deskutils/conduit          ports/160063 gnome@
> multimedia/pyjama          ports/160065 unassigned approved
> multimedia/py-openlp       ports/160285 tabthorpe@
> security/hotssh            ports/160066 unassigned should be ashish@
> security/pwman3            ports/160288 unassigned
> (I know you will hate me for this short urls, but it's to not break 
> formatting. Here is the url that you may use to join pr's numbers to for 
> convenience :) http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=       )
> So if anybody interested in moving some cruft from the tree, they may 
> pick the pr's that is unassigned atm. Thanks.

Thank you very much for that work, I should have time soon to work on this if
noone already did it.


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