On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:
> >> files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz
> > This file is relatively recent; When I used portsnap yesterday, it wasn't
> > there, and now it is.
> I do a postrmaster on a nearly daily basis. This occured this morning 
> (German standard time) to me the first time.

I did a portsnap just before my previous mail. It downloaded and extracted the
particular file without problem.

> > Have you fscked the volume that contains /var? If not I suggest you do. You
> > might be looking at filesystem corruption.
> No I did not. If this is a inconsistent filesystem (I thought about this 
> also), then it
> has occured on ALL(!) FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes over night (this i 
> why I thought about the filesystem, since the FreeBSD 8.2/amd64-boxes do 
> not show this problem as I mentioned at the start of the post, my mistake).

Another data-point: I'm on 8.2-RELEASE amd64 as well and it doesn't show a
problem. So it could well be a CURRENT specific problem. But I would think
that the filesystem code would be pretty mature by now. Maybe some changes in

> I'll force a fsck as soon as possible. I started the boxes already and 
> they didn't show up any unclean filesystem so far ...

Since portsnap cannot find the file in question, I assume you have checked
that it existed and that it was a normal file etc?

Could it be a hardware issue? Some time ago I began to have random filesystem
corruption and lockups. After cleaning out two years worth of dust out of the
machine in question it now runs fine again.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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