On 07/31/2011 04:19, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> on 31/07/2011 04:32 Doug Barton said the following:

>> I am not sure what you mean by "inside portmaster" is quite accurate. I
>> followed the instructions and everything worked according to plan. The
>> vast majority of the wall clock time spent following these instructions
>> is in the compilation of the various ports.
> Well, then we have different experiences and maybe environments.
> I am quite sure that more than 1 hour of wall time was spent in portmaster
> proper after portmaster performed upgrade of gio-fam-backend-2.28.8 and before
> portmaster had a a chance to proceed to the next port

That's very odd. It was moments for me between each port on my middle of
the road laptop.

> Some stats about my ports:
> $ l /var/db/pkg/ | wc -l
>     1088
> $ pkg_info -R gio-fam-backend-2.28.8| wc -l
>       27
> $ pkg_info -R gtk-2.24.5 | wc -l
>      132
> $ pkg_info -R gobject-introspection-0.10.8| wc -l
>      219

You have about twice as many ports installed as I do, and that's a lot
depending on gobject-introspection. But still an hour is very disturbing.

> I am not complaining about the messages.
> My complaint is about the performance of handling this case.

Understood, but I'm not sure what I can do about it unless I can
reproduce it.



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