I didn't get a reply from the maintainers, so post here.

----- Forwarded message from Anton Shterenlikht <me...@bristol.ac.uk> -----

Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:13:26 +0100
From: Anton Shterenlikht <me...@bristol.ac.uk>
To: thie...@freebsd.org, de...@stasyan.com
Subject: science/paraview, french/aster require different hdf5 versions, 
install in the same place

I'm trying to build french/aster:
===>   fr-aster- depends on shared library: hdf5.6 - not found
===>    Verifying install for hdf5.6 in /usr/ports/science/hdf5-18

===>  hdf5-1.8.6 conflicts with installed package(s): 

      They install files into the same place.
      You may want to stop build with Ctrl + C.

% pkg_info -xR hdf
Information for hdf5-1.6.9_1:

Required by:

What is the best way around this?
Shall I try to rebuild paraview also with science/hdf5-18?

Many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 331 5944
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423
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