On 2011-06-30 22:28, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
> I'm having an issue with the sudo port.. always_set_home seems to be on by 
> default (contrary to the documentation), and I can't get it to turn off.  I 
> don't see any patches related to this in the port's files directory, so I'm 
> at a loss as to the cause.  What am I missing?
>> sudo -V
> Sudo version 1.7.4p4
>> sudo grep set_home /usr/local/etc/sudoers
> Defaults      !always_set_home
> Defaults      !set_home
>> sudo env | grep HOME
> HOME=/root

First your sudo is a little bit outdated actual
version is sudo-1.8.1_5.

Make sure you have the following line in sudoers

Defaults env_keep += "HOME"

If you started with your sudoers long time ago
compare it with the example file, there are many
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