On Thu, Jun 09, 2011 at 03:37:08PM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
> 09.06.2011 15:36, Jerry ??????????:
> >I experienced the same phenomena. Simple do a pkg_deinstall on the
> >"p5-Switch" port and build the "webkit-gtk2" port" again. It works fine
> >then. Obviously, it is a pain in the ass, and I question why the
> >maintainer did not catch this problem before he submitted the port, but
> >that is not going to help you now.
> >
> As far i understand it's because p5-Switch is included in perl5.14 and 
> exists as external dependency in perl5.12.

I see. Then it's probably my own
fault - doing too many updates at once:

portmaster -o lang/perl5.14 lang/perl5.12
portmaster -r gnutls

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