On Thursday 26 May 2011 23:36:30 Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Beech Rintoul <akbe...@gmail.com> (from Thu, 26 May 2011
> 08:04:28 -0800):
> > On Thursday 26 May 2011 00:58:15 you wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I've seen your commits to horde4. I would like to know that current
> >> status of this. Are there still some things to do, or is your
> >> update-work finished in ports?
> >> 
> >> If there are no open issues anymore, did you replace a horde3 (imp,
> >> kronolith, nag, turba, ...) install with horde4? If yes, was it an
> >> update and how did it went, or was it a complete new setup?
> > 
> > There is still much to do with horde4. This series completely replaces
> > any previous versions and isn't backwards compatible with any other
> > horde framework. Horde decided to go with pear install and split
> > everything into approx 70 separate installs. That's a work in progress
> > to translate all those libs and extensions into FreeBSD's port system.
> > If you want to try it in the meantime, you can do a pear install -a -B
> > of any of the apps and it will install everything into ${PEARDIR}/horde.
> > Both that path and
> > ${PREFIX}/www/horde are in the search path, so you can have both until I
> > get everything ported.
> I would prefer to install via ports instead via pear. Do you have any
> idea about your available time for this (= when do you plan to finish
> this.. I mostly care about IMP/kronolith/nag/turba and maybe mnemo, I
> do not care much about hermes and whups (I have them installed but I
> do not really use them))?

I'm going to be working on this mostly full time till it's done. My boss wants 
all this for our company, so excluding an emergency I have the green light to 
concentrate on this project. It's still too early to give an estimate on 
finishing but unless I run into something show stopping I should have this 
done in a few more days.

Hermes and whups aren't ported to H4 yet, so I'm not sure they'll work. 
Everything else you mentioned is available. I'm still working on the base 
dependencies and hope to have everything (meaning framework & imp)  in by the 
end of the weekend ${REALJOB} permitting.

> > I haven't seen any major problems with this release apart from the normal
> > config issues. Horde has never been much fun to configure given all the
> > choices, but watching the lists I'm only seeing minor problems and they
> > seem very good about addressing same. My experience is with a new
> > install, but migration is possible and supported. I would definitely
> > back up your db before
> > even attempting an upgrade. The db schema updates are now all
> > contained inside
> > the main configure screen, but the docs on updating are still sketchy.
> I already read the availabe docs regarding the migration before I
> contacted you. Taking a ZFS snapshot before the upgrade is the first I
> plan to do when I try to migrate.
> > H3 is still fully supported and I plan on keeping it updated. This
> > new release
> > is such a huge departure from previous versions that there really aren't
> > any choices besides a fresh install (keeping the old data and
> > importing).
> > 
> > I would much appreciate any feedback you have if you do update to this
> > version.
> Ok, give me (and/or ports) a heads-up when you have the ports in a
> state you feel good about, and I try to get some time to upgrade and
> tell about my experience.

I hit a snag with both migration and locale which "pear install" to 
${PEARDIR}/data/horde. Hopefully I can just install those files into 
www/horde/data and have the correct path without too much hacking.
I would really like to avoid having these ports all spread out on the system.

I plan to keep everyone posted and will put an entry in UPDATING when I get 
everything playing nicely. Everything I've committed so far works, but may not 
be complete.


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