On 16/05/2011 10:41, Andriy Gapon wrote:
on 16/05/2011 11:14 David Demelier said the following:
On 16/05/2011 09:02, Andriy Gapon wrote:
I've noticed the following problem.
If a distfile is updated by a distributor without renaming it (so that checksum
and possibly size change), then more often than not the port build system would
fail to fetch the distfile.
An example:
I think that this happens because the old version of the distfile is still
present in download target location and fetch(1) thinks that it has a partially
downloaded file and tries to be smart.
The following patch simply tries to remove the stale distfile before calling
fetch. Maybe there is a smarter way about this, like e.g. passing some option
to fetch.
make -DNO_CHECKSUM=yes ... is probably what you want, I guess.
I fail to see why. Can you elaborate?
Sorry I misunderstood what you wanted.. Also I didn't see your
@FreeBSD.org ;-)
David Demelier
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