Am 01.05.2011 09:18, schrieb Chris Rees:
> On 1 May 2011 07:58, "mato" <> wrote:
>> Peter Jeremy wrote:
>>> On 2011-Apr-26 01:47:30 +0200, martinko<>  wrote:
>>>> So what is this deprecation and expiration of net/skype port please ??
>>> Whilst the Skype port still works, the version of Skype referenced by
>>> the port is no longer available and later versions of Skype do not
>>> (currently) work on FreeBSD.  My reading of the Skype license suggests
>>> that the FreeBSD Project cannot host the distfile without an agreement
>>> with Skype.  This means that someone who doesn't currently have the
>>> Skype distfile cannot install the Skype port.
>>> I believe work is underway to support the currently available version
>>> of Skype.
>> Ok, from my understanding it wouldn't be the first time a port distfile is
> not (easily) available yet the port itself works if one can get the
> distfile.  And it's very easy to search successfully the interwebs for this
> particular distfile.  In such a case I see no reason to remove the port if
> it works (under condition one gets the distfile).  I myself have it (and I
> even host it privately).  And reading mailing lists reveals there are many
> people using the port.
> If one is capable of finding a distfile it's a trivial addition to find the
> port.
> Rather than having defective ports in the tree, perhaps you could host the
> Skype shar? With a decent title it'll probably show up early enough on a
> Google search.

Nah, please let's keep the port in and have it issue download hints
similar to the Java port (if legally possible) or otherwise issue a hint
that the port is kept for the benefit of those who happen to have a
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