On 04/27/2011 06:45, Jerry wrote:
I think that 'UPDATING' the PR to let the submitter know
that he/she has not been forgotten and to keep them aware of any
problems with the PR is certainly a welcome suggestion. Unfortunately,
that is rarely presently done.

If the PR is still open, it has not been forgotten. Committers have limited time available, would you rather have them spend time to make meaningless changes to open PRs, or would you rather have them spend that time working on closing some?

Certainly, we should all be able to come
to some consensus as to what constitutes a reasonable time frame.

I hear you (and others) saying that they current system does not seem to be "fair." I can certainly understand why you would feel that way. Unfortunately, there literally are not any other answers we can provide. This topic has come up periodically for all the years I've been involved in FreeBSD (contrary to what someone else said about it having been easier in "the old days" when the ports tree was smaller) and no one has come up with an answer for it yet. We try to identify and train new committers on a fairly aggressive pace, but that is also a volunteer effort.

To summarize, we hear your frustration, and we ask you to be patient.



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