On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 01:27:18PM +0400, Subbsd wrote:
> Hi
> Сan someone explain that option JAIL means for JDK16 when this builds
> within jail ?
> I have not found any specific mention in the patch or the code:
> grep -Ri jail /usr/ports/java/jdk16/*
> /usr/ports/java/jdk16/Makefile:         JAIL    "Port is being built
> within a jail"             off
> and nothing more.


This is for when you are using jail(8) and have a build environment
setup within that jail for ports. If you enable that option then it
allows you to be able to build jdk16 within the jail.

Other than that, there is no special meaning to functionality of jdk.



  J. Hellenthal

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