>On Wednesday 30 March 2011 07:03 pm, Barbara wrote:
>> I'm referring to this commit:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=422486+0+current/cvs-po
>> After updating nspluginwrapper-devel, firefox instead of randomly
>> freezing for few seconds after closing o reloading a tab with a
>> flash running, crashes, which is even more annoying.
>> Now after the crash I have 2 core files: one for firefox-bin and
>> one for npviewer-bin.
>> Anyone else seeing the same?
>Did you reinstall libflashplugin.so wrapper in your ~/.mozilla/plugins 
>Just making sure...
>Jung-uk Kim

I run "nspluginwrapper -a -v -i" in that directory, as I always did after 
upgrading that port.
I think that you are talking about that, aren't you?

I'd like to add that, from what I saw until now, the problem seems happining 
only with FF4.
My "main" browser is www/seamonkey2 and I had no crash with it and *it seems* 
(suggestion?not enough tests?) that the freezing behaviour is gone.
I think that Fedora still uses FF3.6.*, so maybe the fix is good only for the 
pre-2 libxul/xulrunner/gecko engine, maybe the glue part...?.
Is that possible?


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