Anytime I've ever upgraded the system, I built the kernel and the world. I
have 419 .la files in /usr/local/lib. I don't think I want to try that idea.
Are you saying if I rebuilt the kernel/world it would not fix this properly?
Rebuilding src/ will have absolutely no effect, since it's not the problem.
Somewhere along the lines (by virtue of the reference to the file),
archivers/xz was installed on the system. Then src/ was upgraded to a point in
time where xz was in the base system, rendering the port as IGNORE.
At a rough guess, a ports upgrade after that fact found the now-defunct
archivers/xz and most likely removed it WITHOUT also rebuilding all ports that
depend on -- resulting in a system where some ports are using the
src/ library, some are _perhaps_ using the old one from the port (check
/usr/local/lib/compat/pkg -- it may be in there), but worse, a number of
installed ports have references to in their own .la files.
What you could try doing is grepping for in all of those .la files, making
a note of which ones are affected, then use pkg_info -W<name-of-file> to
determine which ports they belong to and forcibly rebuild them.
That worked. It was ImageMagick- that was the culprit. Once I
re-built it, I was able to rebuild kdebase-workspace-4.5.5._1
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