On 03/28/2011 13:48, Xin LI wrote:
On 03/28/11 12:42, Kevin Oberman wrote:
Yup. openldap-client-2.4.24 does fine. Looks like a bug in 2.4.25. I'll
take a look at CHANGES and see if I can figure out what broke the
inclusion of fetch(3) support if I get a bit of time.

It seems that libldif now referenced the fetch support, and ironically
it seem be a bug but a feature :(

I have decided to disable FETCH support from now on, since it's likely
to bring more problems.

(If you would prefer to fix the problem for this specific problem, I
think adding a '-lfetch' would be sufficient; but, it seems to be
undesirable to depend fetch(3) unconditionally for all programs that
uses openldap).

I know next to nothing about how the openldap-client stuff works, so I'm sorry if these questions are silly. :) The biggest question is, does dirmngr compile after your change? The other question is that the only reason I have openldap installed at all is so that gnupg can use it to fetch keys from ldap keyservers. Will this still work when the FETCH option is no longer present?




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