John Baldwin <> writes:

> On Tuesday, March 22, 2011 4:20:06 pm Alex Dupre wrote:
>> Even if it could be simpler (is it?), I think unixODBC is a more common 
>> choice these days, so changing the KDE ports could be better.
>> A few stats:
>> - ports supporting both unixODBC and iODBC: 17
>> - ports supporting only unixODBC: 29
>> - ports supporting only iODBC: 8
>> I don't have personal experience, but the two ports should be completely 
>> interchangeable, so we could add support for USE_ODBC in 
>> and allow the user to choose the odbc implementation 
>> (with one [unixODBC?] as default to create consistent packages).
> I'll defer judgement as to which approach is best.  I'll just be happy so
> long as it is fixed in some fashion.  A USE_ODBC= knob sounds sensible to me.

On the KDE side, it looks like databases/virtuoso and textproc/soprano
depending on libiodbc. In both cases, this seems to be an upstream issue
(ie. virtuoso only accepts --with-iodbc, and soprano looks only for
iodbc because it uses it to enable virtuoso support).

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