As shown in the "unable to umount" thread in -questions Saturday, gamin wants to lock new files. If the new file is a mountpoint, this prevents unmounting.

  username="wblock"  # change this
  mkdir $deskdev
  chown $username:operator $deskdev
  chmod 700 $deskdev
  mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 $deskdev

This is actually from a devd-called script, and works fine. But try to umount it:

  umount $deskdev
  umount: unmount of /usr/home/wblock/Desktop/removable-storage failed: Device 

lsof finds nothing:

  # lsof /home/wblock/Desktop/removable-storage

fstat is different:

  # fstat /home/wblock/Desktop/removable-storage/
USER     CMD          PID   FD MOUNT      INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W NAME
wblock   gam_server  6666  646 /usr/home/wblock/Desktop/removable-storage 
244864 drwx------    4096  r  /home/wblock/Desktop/removable-storage/

Is there a way to get gamin to stop doing that? Or a better way to automount removable devices?
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