07.03.2011, 00:54, "Heino Tiedemann" <rotkaps_spam_t...@gmx.de>:
> Konstantin Tokarev <annu...@yandex.ru>; wrote:
>>  03.03.2011, 03:27, "Charlie Kester" <corky1...@comcast.net>;:
>>>  On Wed 02 Mar 2011 at 15:06:52 PST Charlie Kester wrote:
>>>>  I don't want or need all of the programs in the libreoffice suite.
>>>>  In fact, the only reason I might install it is to get the presentation
>>>>  program so I can work with PowerPoint files I occasionally download from
>>>>  the web.  (There don't seem to be any workable, lighterweight
>>>>  alternatives, as there are for .doc and .xls files.)
>>>>  Would it be possible to provide some options to select which components
>>>>  to install?  Or is the suite written in such a way that I have to
>>>>  install the whole thing in order to get one piece?
>>  It doesn't make much sense because all components of OOo/LibO are tightly
>>  integrated.
> I remember my debian GNU/Linux times some years ago:
> If i remember correcly there was the possibillity to install
> Openoffice (what is the root of libreoffice) in peaces: Needed was a
> "openoffice core" package and maybe another "openoffice lib" (or so)
> package. After that you could install writer / base / calc and so on
> seperatly...

Right, but actually there's no much sense in it, because all components
are just launchers for soffice.bin executable

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