On 03/12/2011 00:37, Subbsd wrote:

Ive have server with huge of RAM (32 GB) and after mounting tmpfs on
/tmp try use it for more faster port building. Most of the ports work
when set WRKDIRPREFIX="/tmp/ports" in /etc/make.conf is magnificently.
But part of ports not, for example: /usr/ports/devel/ode

% make -V WRKDIRPREFIX -C/usr/ports/devel/ode

% make -C/usr/ports/devel/ode extract
make: don't know how to make
/tmp/ports/usr/ports/devel/ode/work/.extract_done.ode._usr_local. Stop
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/ode.

Why might this happen? Some Makefile have bsd.{pre|post}.mk and some -
bsd.port.mk - that's all difference i see.

I have WRKDIRPREFIX set and I don't have the same problem you have; whether I use -C or cd into the directory. Perhaps you have some other make variables that are affecting this?


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