On 03/10/2011 21:05, Mark Linimon wrote:
I answered this question last night on IRC, aDe answered it in email:

What is the urgency in upgrading gmake that prevents "fix the broken
ports first" as an option to at least explore?

Now that gmake is out, if the past is any indication, some project
will quickly upgrade to it.  We can wait for that to happen, and then
have to scramble, or we can get ahead of the curve.

I can see why that would make it an important problem, but I don't see why that makes the problem so urgent that sharing it with the community and asking them for suggestions can't be done first; especially considering that there is at least one workable plan in the wings if no one comes up with something better.

Not every single change to the Ports Collection rises to the level of
requiring a committee meeting to generate a consensus.  IMHO this does

It's really, really frustrating to me when I spend time trying to make myself clear and you consistently mischaracterize it. I can't tell if you're doing it on purpose, I'm failing to communicate, or something else is going on. But just to be clear, I'm not talking about making a committee decision. I'm talking about making the information about the problem available to the community.

In this case it was "here is someone willing to do the work, here's
an action plan, let's just do it."

And while that sounds noble and all, it's the wrong road to go down. There are way too many things happening "in private" around here and the only way to solve that problem is to open the doors.

Meanwhile, while I appreciate you answering one of my questions, but you still haven't answered arguably the more important one.

What harm will come from publicizing this problem and asking for help from the community?

On 03/10/2011 21:25, Ade Lovett wrote:

> How about working from the basis that perhaps, just perhaps, I'm
> _right_, and show me why _I_ am wrong.

I can't help thinking that the fact that when I say, "Let's ask the community for input on this topic" you _hear_ me saying, "You're wrong" is part of the problem.



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