13.12.2010 19:26, Andrea Venturoli пишет:
On 12/13/10 16:05, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 13/12/2010 12:47, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
Since I'd like to use Flyspray and Postgres, I'm looking into some
on this: is this only a limitation of the port?
yup. I was just too lazy to look at supporting it. If you want to submit
some patches, that would be good.
I tried by just disabling mysql support (I already had php-pgsql
installed) and it just works.
So I guess the only thing that is needed is an OPTIONS for php-pgsql,
just to track dependencies.
bye & Thanks
Hi. I just sent this patch, that adds postgresql option and updates
instructions for pgsql users:
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