> A MAINTAINER who does not maintain is not a maintainer.
> Makefile broke in the last month
> MAINTAINER rene@ should add a BUILD_DEPENDS or whatever,
> else resign & let someone else eg You Thomas become MAINTAINER

Are you volunteer to maintain ? you have patches that make the latest
stable version of chromium works on FreeBSD?
Have you already started to work on 9 and 10 version.
Have you started the work to send patches upstream?

The maintainer helped by some of us is doing that, so he is doing the
real MAINTAINER job which is not to keep the most possible ports
"almost" working, but to make sure the ports REALLY works and that the
necessary patches are done are done the right way in order to make
sure upstream can applied them for next release. This job takes time
as chromium is a big monster.

If you find that process is too slow, feel free to join. send patches etc.

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