Hi Andrea,

Andrea Venturoli writes:
> Hello.
> I'm having a small, low priority, trouble; more an annoyance in fact.

> Since a while, if I start an X11 emacs from a terminal window, after I
> close emacs, the terminal window won't close with Ctrl-D; I have to
> close the terminal windows by hand.

> With the latest upgrade, I see the following warning at emacs startup:

>> (emacs:2267): GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync()
>> exit status of a child process was requested but SIGCHLD
>> action was set to SIG_IGN and ECHILD was received by
>> waitpid(), so exit status can't be returned. This is a bug
>> in the program calling g_spawn_sync(); either don't request
>> the exit status, or don't set the SIGCHLD action.
>> GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some
>> possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking
>> for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash.
>> See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information.
>> (Details -  1: Failed to get connection to session: Command
>> line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=b3fbd8cb89ee22fd22fc292600001a5f
>> --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status
>> 3429110: )
>> (emacs:2267): GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync(), exit
>> status of a child process was requested but SIGCHLD action was set
>> to SIG_IGN and ECHILD was received by waitpid(), so exit status
>> can't be returned. This is a bug in the program calling
>> g_spawn_sync(); either don't request the exit status, or don't set the
>> SIGCHLD action.

> I really don't understand what I should check...
> Any help is appreciated.

How're you starting X server ? And with which version are you seeing this
behaviour ? And are you running GNOME, KDE, or any desktop environment ?

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116  20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0
freebsd.org!ashish | http://people.freebsd.org/~ashish/

Avoid Success At All Costs !!

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