On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:34:48 +0100
"O. Hartmann" <ohart...@mail.zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> Hello.
> Tried to build the newest ISIS 3.2.1 software package for planetary 
> survey science, but fail. I always get the following error which seems 
> to be triggered due to an ambiguous overload of a function, but I do not 
> know how to fix the problem since everything seems clen to me. The USGS 
> ISIS package uses prebuild libraries, but only for two Linux 
> distributions and OSX, libxerces is version 3.1 as far as I can see, but 
> FreeBSD port textproc/xerces-c2 is stuck with 2.7. So far, ISIS 3.2.0 
> could be build on FreeBSD 8 and 9 with minor problems but working. Is 
> anybody out here also utilising FreeBSD for scientific purposes and alsi 
> using ISIS3 3.2.1? Can anybody help or give a hint?
> Thanks in advance,

Are you using the standard gcc?  You could try installing one of the
gcc versions from ports and see whether that helps.  The standard gcc
is a few generations old.

[snip error output]

Gary Jennejohn
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