On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 05:56:34PM +0200, David DEMELIER thus spake:
2010/10/12 Florent Thoumie <f...@xbsd.org>:
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:01 PM, David DEMELIER
<demelier.da...@gmail.com> wrote:

Before writing a patch for the ports framework, I just want to be sure
that FreeBSD ports shouldn't use a same user added by ports. For
example pulseaudio adds some users to the system (pulse,
pulse-whatever) and should these users be needed from others ports ?

My plan is :

1. Register users added and needed by ports in files like +USERS +GROUPS,
2. When make deinstall or pkg_delete port_name check if the user is
still needed by other port (if this is possible)
3. Print a message like "The following users and group are not needed
anymore by the system : xxx yyy"

pkgsrc already use something like this, so a port should be really
easy to be done.

This has already been discussed (including in a thread that you started [1]).

This needs support in both ports and pkg_install.

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-ports@freebsd.org/msg27486.html

Florent Thoumie
FreeBSD Committer

Yes, for pkg_install I think I will talk to bapt because he's working
on pkgng so maybe he has a great idea and a better knowledge in C, for
the moment I made some changes in ports/Mk directory but not finished.
I still need to know if a multiple ports could use a same user that
has been added by one of them.

I don't find any good example for this issue.

I had brought this up on #bsdports, and it was mentioned that this was in
HEAD before, but no longer present is the ability to sign packages.
I mentioned this because you can change the +CONTENTS file and it will be
represented and read with no issue by subsequent queries of pkg_info. I
would think that if you could edit the +CONTENTS file, or any file for that
manner within pkgdb, this could pose potential security and/or stability

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