2010/10/5 David O'Brien <obr...@freebsd.org>:
> On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 10:22:46AM +0200, David DEMELIER wrote:
>> 2010/10/2 David O'Brien <obr...@freebsd.org>:
>> > 2. With the way OPTIONS handling is done, there isn't a way for me
>> > to query if I built with the defaults or not.
>> > Thus leading to every port I manually install looking like it was
>> > customized just because /var/db/ports/${PORTNAME} exists.  Thus
>> > implying I can no longer install the pre-build package.
>> make rmconfig ?
> I think you've missed my point.
> That does not tell me if I, in the past, made a decision that did not
> like the maintainer's defaults, or if I just wanted to extract the
> sources so I could read the license or figure out what the OPTIONS knobs
> were about, etc..

I understood, you prefere a file like make.conf or ports.conf to see
which options/knob is defined, isn't it ?

>> The best thing to do is switch totally to a way to configure a port
>> and remove the other one.
> Only if folks agree on what the best way to configure a port is.
> I spoke with some co-workers last week, and OPTIONS weren't very
> popular with them.  They also stated some of the the issues I listed.
>> I think we should try to upgrade the options
>> framework with what I said at 4. and 3. It's possible but we need some
>> work.
> Even without forcing all ports to go in one direction for configuration,
> this would be a Good Thing to do.  Hopefully someone with interest will
> submit some patches.

I will try to do it, I think a replacement of ports.conf with a make
syntax would be better. I will try to do something in the end of week.

> --
> -- David  (obr...@freebsd.org)
> Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> A: Why is top-posting (putting a reply at the top of the message) frowned 
> upon?
> Let's not play "Jeopardy-style quoting"
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Kind regards,

Demelier David
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