Quoth Edward on Saturday, 25 September 2010:
>  On 25/09/10 3:00, Alexander Kojevnikov wrote:
> >>> directly, I'm going to keep it updated and if necessary will upgrade
> >>> the RootBSD VPS it's hosted on.
> >> Why not redirect the feed to feedburner? It's a free server from google,
> >> fast & furious.
> > I don't really see the point in relying on another service. The feed
> > is cached, for most requests the script just reads and prints a file,
> > it's not hard for the server at all.
> >
> I thought you were concern about the extra bandwidth & processing that
> would incur by providing this great idea so I suggested to move the RSS
> part to feedburner. If this is not the case, ignore it ;)
> Ah, I forgot to say "thanks". This make reading /usr/ports/UPDATING
> interesting again. :)
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Feedburner not only has the advantage of offloading bandwidth, it also
provides detailed statistics on the subscribers (number of subscribers,
what agent they're using, etc.), in case you'd find that data interesting.

On the flip side, it does add one more link in the chain, and even a
strong link is capable of failure on occasion.  The feed caching also
adds a (small) delay on updates.

I've used FeedBurner on all my feeds for years, and I have no complaints.
FWIW, I'm a member of the RSS Advisory Board, and I don't recall anyone
ever complaining to us about FeedBurner's compliance.  But ultimately you
have to decide for yourself whether its benefits are worth giving over a
measure of control.

Sterling (Chip) Camden    | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
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