On 06/09/2010 23:12, per...@pluto.rain.com wrote:
> Matthias Andree <mand...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Am 06.09.2010 07:32, schrieb Dominic Fandrey:
>>> What kind of dependency should I define if I just need something
>>> for the install target? It's not needed before, not after and
>>> not for the package.
>>> I used to think it's INSTALL_DEPENDS, but I just found out, that
>>> doesn't even exist.
>> BUILD_DEPENDS should do, no?  Your dependency may then be built
>> too early, but it's not recorded for later (unlike RUN_DEPENDS).
> It seems as if BUILD_DEPENDS should be _sufficient_ unless the
> dependency is needed to install the package as well as to install
> the port, but it demands more than is _necessary_ since the
> dependency is not needed to simply build (without also installing).

Yes, thank you everyone. I was simply unaware that BUILD_DEPENDS
are guaranteed to be around during install.


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