--On Thursday, July 22, 2010 18:00:32 -0400 Greg Larkin <glar...@freebsd.org> wrote:
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Paul Schmehl wrote:
I'm trying to update the devel/byaccj port, which I maintain.  The new
version has made some subtle changes in naming, which have thrown me for
a loop;

PORTNAME=  byaccj
DISTFILES= byaccj1.15_src.tar.gz

WRKDIR is work/byaccj1.15 when the files are extracted.

If I don't define WRKSRC, it's byaccj-1.15.  If I define it as
${PORTNAME}${PORTVERSION}, it's still byaccj-1.15.  Hardcoding it
doesn't seem like the right answer, but what is?

Hi Paul,

I didn't have a problem downloading the 1.15 distfile from SF (ref: your
other message) nor setting WRKSRC to the correct value.  Please check my
Makefile diff here, and let me know if it works for you or not.


The build immediately fails, though, because the distro Makefile has
some MacOSX-specific stuff in it.  I presume that's what you're working
on fixing in the port update.

Thanks to your help I spotted my error and fixed it.  I'm about ready to submit 
the update.  It's amazing how often I can look at something and not see it.  :-(
The Sourceforge situation is a mess, though.  I'm going to have to wait for 
that to get fixed in the macros before I can proceed with afterglow.
Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson

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