cvs-src  writes:

>    Good day!
>    We now have two ports with name 'hydra' in the tree, one in security
>    category, and one in www.
>    Both installs file ${PREFIX}/bin/hydra.
>    I firstly think about asking for add CONFLICTS line, but then come up
>    to ports tree should not have
>    two ports with same name.
>    What you think about this?

In case of multiple ports installing files with same name at same path, then
one of them needs to alter the file names by using suffix or prefix, like GNU
projects do when they collide with BSD equivalents by using 'g' as prefix.

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116  20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0!ashish |

“Does history record any case in which the majority was right?”
(Robert A. Heinlein, 1973)

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