> You are really reading much more into my message than was actually put there. 
> Sorry if that's my the style that triggered this. But I would like to assure 
> you that I wasn't even close to put anything against the ports or FreeBSD 
> community.
> I communicate to maintainers a lot. And usually quite productive. This case 
> caught attention and I posted on po...@. Brief, just to let people know. 
> That's all to it. I also don't have much time to investigate myself, have 
> hundreds of things to do.
> What concerns wordpress problem, that's really all info I have: with the 
> current 8.1 and ports it produces blank output. I really don't have more 
> information.
> Thanks,
> Yuri

Fair enough, please consider writing something like "hey, $maintainer, if you 
are reading this, please understand that your email address is not working" or 
something so that it's clear
for others that there is something going on but that is not the ports@ problem.

Wordpress has the option to enable debugging, can you please try that? My 
website (see my signature) is running on 8-STABLE, without issues, version from 
thursday or something so fairly


(p.s. does httpd mention any BUS errors or SEGFAULTS?)

/"\   Best regards,                        | re...@freebsd.org
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