On Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:12:39 pm Doug Barton wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2010, John Baldwin wrote:
> > This is a port for yet-another-/etc-merging tool that I wrote recently.  
> > passes portlint -N with one bogus warning because /etc is in the comment.
> I didn't try installing/deinstalling but you seem to have the right 
> stuff in the Makefile for that. Overall it looks good, just a couple 
> comments:
> 1. I don't think textproc is right for CATEGORIES, although sysutils is 
> of course.
> 2. I don't think the do-fetch target is necessary, but if it is needed 
> when you test it that's fine.
> 3. You have a pkg-descr~ file in the shar that should be deleted before 
> you commit it.
> Assuming it passes all the tests in the porter's handbook for install, 
> deinstall, package, etc. I'd say go ahead. :)

Ok.  Should I fix 1) and 2) for the sysutils/etcmerge port as well?  (I used 
etcmerge as a template.)

John Baldwin
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