On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:04 AM, David DEMELIER
<demelier.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/6/24 Janne Snabb <sn...@epipe.com>:
>> On Wed, 23 Jun 2010, David DEMELIER wrote:
>>> 2010/6/23 Janne Snabb <sn...@epipe.com>:
>>>> I find it completely useless and plainly stupid to edit the
>>>> pkg-messages of all ports to include lots of equal signs for tty-based
>>>> formatting purposes.
>>> We can take a long time to do that (we don't have to do it quickly),
>>> but it could be useful to standardize it for one reason :
>>> You will see that it's a message from the port maintainer/submitter
>>> and not from the program itself! Sometimes configure scripts stage say
>>> some useless things to the user.
>> You obviously did not get my point.
>> I fully agree with you that displaying a line of equals signs on
>> tty based interfaces to make the messages stand out from other crap
>> when installing ports makes sense, but I STRONGLY oppose to the
>> idea of putting this visual formatting in the actual message files.
>> It is just not the right place to put it in.
> I see, so maybe in the future you would like some tools that can print
> the message, like a GTK+ dialog, QT dialog, or an other tool, if it's
> your point I agree. I don't specially want a equal "==" line, I would
> just something consistent, why not : nothing ? Yes we can just print
> the text without any visual characters, and the [future] tool will
> print the message as it want.

No, what he's saying is:
  - put the logic to print the separators into the appropriate bsd.*.mk file
  - remove all separators from all pkg-message* files

That way, you can update the separators at any time by editing a
single file, instead of editing 20,000+ pkg-message files.  And, that
way, future tools can override the separator set in the mk file.

Leave the pkg-message files as unformatted text.  Put the formatting
into the mk file.

Separate content from style.

Freddie Cash
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