On 6/16/2010 9:14 PM, RW wrote:
> Right, but my question was about why anyone would set the option to
> "off".
> On the face of it, it's a pointless option since turning it off either
> does nothing or it makes Apache less secure.
I will ask d...@apr if there is any reason they can think of to turn it
off on FBSD.  When I added it I was just parsing the configure output
for mod_auth_digest in apache and its requirements.

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Philip M. Gollucci (pgollu...@p6m7g8.com) c: 703.336.9354
VP Apache Infrastructure; Member, Apache Software Foundation
Committer,                        FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant,                       P6M7G8 Inc.
Sr. System Admin,                 Ridecharge Inc.

Work like you don't need the money,
love like you'll never get hurt,
and dance like nobody's watching.

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