On 06/06/10 07:20, Kaya Saman wrote:
The only thing I don't get with FreeBSD ports is why there aren't
template files for doing things like this, as people like me with not
much experience in the FreeBSD world have to really struggle.

So first of all, welcome to the FreeBSD world. :)

By default our ports system does not install things in /opt, our default installation path for 3rd party software is /usr/local. So in regards to your question, most ports do actually come with sample configuration files, which can usually be found in /usr/local/etc/.

If you install a port or package and you aren't sure where it installed the files you can do (for exapmle) 'pkg_info -L torrentflux*' and it will print the list for you.

There is no question that there is a learning curve when moving from one platform to another, but a lot of us have administered both FreeBSD and Linux systems so if you have questions, just ask.

hope this helps,



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