On 2010-Jun-01 10:54:02 +0200, Jan Henrik Sylvester <m...@janh.de> wrote:
>Yesterday, I was chasing libintl.so.8, rebuilding all ports that got 
>bumped, checking with libchk for other libintl.so.8 dependencies, and 
>forcing a rebuild of all these packages: All but two of them had an 
>indirect dependency on devel/gettext (and I did email the maintainers of 
>devel/ccrtp and textproc/gsed linking without a dependency).

This might be unrealistic but, IMHO, these "indirect dependencies" should
not exist.  IMHO, there should only be two situations:

1) Port X directly links against or dlopen's libY.so from port Y.

In this case, port Y should be listed in LIB_DEPENDS or equivalent
for port X and port X will need a portrevision bump and rebuild if
the port Y ABI changes (eg a .so version bump)

2) Port X directly links against or dlopen's libZ.so and libZ.so pulls
   in libY.so from port Y.

In this case, port X should not be directly accessing any symbols in
libY.so.  If the libY.so ABI changes, libZ.so will need to be rebuilt
but unless the libZ.so ABI changes, there should be no need to rebuild
port X.

Are there any other situations that have to be considered?

Peter Jeremy

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