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On 11/05/2010 16:46:00, Christer Edwards wrote:
> should I post the current portlint-approved Makefile someplace for
> further consideration, or should I go about a process of submitting
> it? If the latter, what is the appropriate way to submit a new/updated
> port?

If you can build ccache-3.0, install it and deinstall it without any
plist problems, then the port is ready for submission.  Well, the new
version of ccache you build should actually work properly as well...

To submit an update, generate a diff against the previous version of the
port using 'diff -Nur'.  Attach this to a PR 'send-pr -a port.diff'
- -- fill in the fields in the PR as sensibly as possible: the Severity
and Priority fields have become rather debased so just set them to
'serious' and 'medium' respectively.  Category is 'ports'.  If you were
the maintainer of the port, Class would be 'maintainer update'; as you
aren't the Class should be 'change request' (which is correct in this
case, even if one of the changes is to make yourself maintainer).  Tag
the subject line of the PR with '[patch]' (or '[maintainer]' as
appropriate), the port location relative to /usr/ports (ie.
"devel/ccache") and a short description of the change: eg "update to 3.0".

You don't really need to put anything in the 'How to Repeat' section,
nor do you really need to put much in the 'Description' section, but I
think it useful to supply links to any changelogs or lists of fixed bugs
or similar so people can see what this update includes.  If your update
adds or removes or renames files in the port, it's good to enumerate
those changes in the description of the PR, as this will be a great deal
of help to the commmitters.

As you aren't maintainer of this port, your PR will be passed to the
port maintainer for approval.  You may be asked to fix any problems, or
the maintainer may have reason to reject your update.  Rejection of a
straight version update is unlikely.  Mostly maintainers will be
grateful that someone has volunteered to do the work of generating it.
Given the port maintainer is a committer, he might commit changes
himself; otherwise it will be passed back to one of the usual set of
ports committers.



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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