Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 11:51:52PM +0300, Andrius Mork??nas wrote:
On Sun, 02 May 2010 10:25:22 +0300, Yuri <> wrote:
Having tried clang++ I have a feeling that it's not quite ready to be a
generic c++ compiler.
Very immature.
Many problems that C++ ports have with clang is not related to it being
immature, they're related to the fact that clang isn't gcc and that
those ports aren't written in standard C++.

Too true.
I can understand from a commercial perspective why having a permissive licensed production compiler could be good.. I can understand why many people don't like gcc or fsf, but what does the BSD community get?

1) Performance?
2) Robustness?
3) ... ?

What's really the goal here? What problem are you working to solve? May I humbly say that building software with a different compiler in itself doesn't really accomplish anything.

Starting early can give valuable feedback , but without actually having the resources to follow-up it's wasted effort. Is llvm at the point where it can self host BSD? If not why not start there? Maybe identify the most used applications..

I don't waste time on front-end work though so this is of course my humble opinion..

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