On 25/04/10 6:38 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
On 04/23/10 22:43, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
> I have a package which is not built from a port (it is commercial
> software). I've put an +IGNOREME file in the package folder. But
> portmaster will not ignore it:
> #portmaster -a
> [snip...]
> ===>>> Proceed? y/n [y]
> ===>>> Starting build for for ports that need updating<<<===
> ===>>> Launching child to update CGatePro-5.3.5
> ===>>> No ORIGIN in /var/db/pkg/CGatePro-5.3.5/+CONTENTS
> ===>>> Aborting update
> ===>>> Update for CGatePro-5.3.5 failed
> ===>>> Aborting update
I'd like to add one more point about this, which might be separate to the issue about
+IGNOREME. portmaster -a compiles a list of all the ports it will upgrade or install and
asks if you want to proceed. CGatePro is only examined AFTER that point. It does not
appear in the list before the "Proceed? y/n" question.
In this case, since it is a package and not a port, why does portmaster look at
it at all? There is no useful information available about whether it can be
upgraded (I'm not running with -P). I don't really want to have to put IGNOREME
in that package... I only did that to try and make portmaster ignore something
it should already be ignoring.
Perhaps your improvements to ORIGIN handling will also deal with this.
Thank you for a great tool.
Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001 fax +61 2 9550 4001
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