14.04.2010 05:23, Svyatoslav Lempert пишет:
We have problems for a considerable quantity of users which are linked
to upgrade of major version PHP 5.2 to version 5.3 in port lang/php5
They are linked to considerable incompatibility of old scripts which
should are corrected and rewrited for correct work under PHP 5.3.2.
Also rather a significant amount of commercial scripts used coding by
Zend Optimizer, and this software does not exist for PHP 5.3 and if
it will be updated by developers only in the last queue (after
upgrades for windows and linux-systems) as has the limited support for
Please, do not break FreeBSD system as a stable platform for PHP web-hosting.
See this topic http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=13240
Patch published by lissyara create lang/php52 and all other
php52-structure. Please include this port to ports tree, I tested this
script, it works and intall PHP 5.2.12 via ports without problems.
I create 81 shar file for ports, and one diff for bsd.php.mk
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