On 2010-Feb-12 21:58:38 -0800, Rob Farmer <rfar...@predatorlabs.net> wrote:
>In bsd.gcc.mk there is:
>.   if ${_USE_GCC} != 3.4
>CFLAGS+=               -Wl,-rpath=${PREFIX}/lib/${_GCC_BUILD_DEPENDS}
>LDFLAGS+=              -Wl,-rpath=${PREFIX}/lib/${_GCC_BUILD_DEPENDS}
>.   endif

Actually, these directives need to be embedded inside the ports
gcc's, not in bsd.gcc.mk.  The current situation means that
anything other than the base gcc is broken for anything except
building ports (and may still misbehave if gmake is used) unless
something like the above is explicitly added to the command line.

See ports/142226:

Peter Jeremy

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