On 02/09/10 13:54, Gary Jennejohn wrote:
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 09:41:34 +0000
"O. Hartmann"<ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de>  wrote:

[snip maybe too much]
On 02/08/10 21:42, Eitan Adler wrote:
you need to load the sem module (kldload sem).

SysV smaphore (or sem?) are built into my kernel by default. The
error/system message when crashing is

socket(): Protocol not supported
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

and a core is dumped.

So, have you looked at the core dump with gdb to see where it appears
to be crashing?

No, I regret, I haven't, but I will after my return to my desk at the lab.

Could it be IPv6 related?  Do you have IPv6 in the kernel and enabled?
I do.

No, on all machines, those running firefox 3.6 cleanly and those which are unwilling IPv6 is not enabled.

On the box in question, een thundebird 3.0.1 is crashing spontanously, while it isn't on those boxes which also run Firefox 3.6 cleanly. This puzzles me and I suspect either SMP (could it be threaded perl/python?) or a faulty library of X, which isn't built when performing 'portmaster -f firefox'.

You could try adding these options to MOZ_OPTIONS in the Makefile
   --enable-debug[=DBG]    Enable building with developer debug info
   --enable-debug-modules  Enable/disable debug info for specific modules
                           Enable/disable debugger info for specific modules

Gary Jennejohn

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