On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 11:48:33PM +0200, Eitan Adler wrote:
> The recent change to jpeg required a lot of changes to a lot of ports all
> just to bump a version number.

That is true, there is a script for in /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/
called bump_version.pl which can do most of the magic.

> It is easy to miss things this way and requires a lot of work and
> downloading.

Oh, you are talking about the user side of things. Please have a
look at portmaster or portupgrade, they can do this magic for you.

> I propose that some kind of MAJORVERSION be stored in /var/db/ports. Then
> when a library's MAJORVERSION is changed it will prompt a rebuild on any
> port that relies on it will also get rebuilt.

I like the idea, but it handles the problem from the wrong side:
The person who bumps the port revisions would need to have all ports
installed to make this judgement.

> Computer are *designed* handle these types of things

See first two comments.

Edwin Groothuis         Website: http://www.mavetju.org/
ed...@mavetju.org       Weblog:  http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/
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