First a little background. There are two rblibtorrent ports now, the
main port which is currently at version 0.13 which is quite old, and the
-devel port which is at version 0.14.8 which is actually what is now
considered the "current" version. There is also a newer 0.15 version
available which is considered the "development" version.
With the recent update of springlobby (thanks amdmi3!) the last
remaining consumer of rblibtorrent 0.13 is net-p2p/sharktorrent which is
maintained by alepulver. The version currently in this port is 0.1.1,
which was released on 2006/12/17. The most recent version of the
software is which was released on 2009/7/5. The web site
listed in the pkg-descr, is currently parked,
and has no relevant content.
My first choice to move forward is to repocopy rblibtorrent-devel to
rblibtorrent14 AND rblibtorrent15. To the rblibtorrent15 port I will add
the -devel PKGNAMESUFFIX until it's finalized. I'd also like to twiddle
the LATEST_LINK stuff so that rblibtorrent sets NO_LATEST_LINK, and
rblibtorrent14 sets LATEST_LINK=rblibtorrent.
As for sharktorrent and rblibtorrent it seems to me that they could both
go away. The sharktorrent port uses WX so I haven't tried building it
with 0.14.8 of rblibtorrent to see if it could easily be updated. Given
that the version we have is so out of date I also don't see much point
in even trying to fix it. There are also no PRs for it from interested
users, so it would seem that it does not have a user base in any case.
On the other hand, if someone would like to step up and attempt to
modernize the sharktorrent port I would have no objection provided that
it did not continue to rely on rblibtorrent-0.13. Mail to alepulver on
2010/1/2 has so far gone unanswered, so it's not clear to me that he's
interested in continuing to maintain the port.
To round out the equation, the reason I'd like to move forward with
rblibtorrent 0.15 is that qbittorrent (which I also began maintaining
recently, and what started this whole affair) can use 0.14.8 quite well
which is what it's doing now. However, it can have an alternate
dependency on 0.15 which will allow it to have some additional features.
Also, since the author of rblibtorrent seems to be moving forward with
new versions on a somewhat regular basis I'd like to set up the
rblibtorrent* ports in a manner that will allow them to be easily
maintained going forward (whether it's me that continues to maintain
them or not).
If there is a strong consensus that the "current" version of the port
_must_ be called rblibtorrent I won't fight against that, I just don't
want to wait forever to move the 0.14.x version in there because there
is one stale port that still depends on the 0.13 version.
So, opinions? Any rabid sharktorrent fans out there who would be
terribly sad if it went away, or better yet would like to update it? Has
anyone heard from alepulver? I doubt I'll get it all done before the
7.3-RELEASE but I'd like to request the repocopies soon'ish so that I
can at least get rblibtorrent15 into the tree and make it an alternate
dependency for qbittorrent. So if you have something to say on this
topic, speak up. :)
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