Larry Rosenman wrote:
I've asked portmgr before, but still haven't found a decent way to do what I
want, so let me post this publicly.

I want to make the sysutils/lsof port fail early with a decent message if
the kernel sources aren't loaded on the system.

The most common question/problem report I get is when the lsof configure
script fails due to a lack of the system sources.
Ideas on how to do this cleanly in the port Makefile?

Can't you do something like this?

        @if [ ! -f /usr/src/sys/conf/ ] ; then         \
            ${ECHO_MSG} "==> Error: Can't find kernel sources" ; \
            ${FALSE} ;                                           \

(completely untested...)



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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