On 01/18/10 17:23, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
> That particular one is questionable, but I'm sure if every post-install
> message is in pkg-message or files/pkg-message.in it will help with
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/122877

Ok, now I see where you're going with this. :)  With respect to Wesley,
the approach in the patch is bass-ackwards. You don't want to do
anything with files named *pkg*message*, there are just too many
variations. The only thing you want to worry about is
/var/db/pkg/*/+DISPLAY. That way you can be sure of several useful
things ... it's persistent (I.e., users can bring it up again with
pkg_info), it's already post-processed, etc. etc.

Modesty aside portmaster has some pretty mature code to deal with this,
I suggest giving it a look before trying to reinvent it.

As for the rest of the patch, I appreciate the POLA-awareness, but I
would make this opt-OUT instead of opt-in, tool authors can easily opt
out of it with a one-line fix, whereas the feature is very useful for
the average user and I believe it should be enabled by default. It's one
of the things that people tell me most often that they like about



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