
On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Glen Barber <glen.j.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
>>> I need to update it 0.83 anyway.
>>> I was going to rewrite the whole rc.d script from sratch at that time.
>>> In the meantime though this particular thing should help that person
>>> until I have time.
> I can have another look at this either tonight or tomorrow evening,
> unless someone updates it beforehand.  I will even update to 0.83 in
> the process.

I have attached two diffs of the rc script,  however I have run into a
few issues with both.

The first diff still uses 'stop_cmd(){kill `cat $pidfile`}' for the
following reasons:

  - adding ': qpsmtpd_pidfile="$pidfile"' would never create
/var/run/qpsmtpd.pid, thus the rc script would never find it to kill
the process.  To work around this, I added the pidfile creation to

  - as a side effect of the above workaround, stopping the process
would kill the PID, however leave the pidfile.  As a second
workaround, I have kept the stop_cmd() function, and forcibly removed
the pidfile after the process was killed.

The second replaces the pidfile line with this:

  [ -z "$pidfile" ] && pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid"

and adds a command_args line, however the pidfile is still not cleaned
after stopping the service, so stop_cmd() is used again.  Is there a
more correct way to clean up the pidfile that what I have attached?

Regards, and have a happy and safe new year.

Glen Barber
--- qpsmtpd.in.1.orig   2009-12-31 14:02:16.000000000 -0500
+++ qpsmtpd.in.1        2009-12-31 14:04:16.000000000 -0500
@@ -16,85 +16,30 @@
-load_rc_config $name
-    #exits if no user is specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_user ]; then
-       echo "qpsmtpd_user not set"
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    #exits if no group is specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_group ]; then
-       echo "qpsmtpd_group not set"
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    #sets it to the default if the port is not specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_port ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_port="2525"
-    fi
-    #set it to the default max per ip
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_max_per_ip ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_max_per_ip="5"
-    fi
-    #set it do the max number of connections total
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_max_connections ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_max_connections="15"
-    fi
-    #set the default listen on to everything
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_listen_on ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_listen_on=""
-    fi
-    if [ ! -d /var/run/qpsmtpd/ ] ; then
-       mkdir /var/run/qpsmtpd
-    fi
-    chown $qpsmtpd_user:$qpsmtpd_group /var/run/qpsmtpd    
-       if [ -e $pidfile ]; then
-               echo "$name already running as PID `cat $pidfile`."
-               exit 1
-       else
-               eval $command \
-               -p $qpsmtpd_port \
-               -c $qpsmtpd_max_connections \
-               -u $qpsmtpd_user \
-               -m $qpsmtpd_max_per_ip \
-               -l $qpsmtpd_listen_on \
-               --pid-file $pidfile \
-               -d \
-               && echo "$name started as PID `cat $pidfile`." \
-               || echo "Failed to start $name"
-       fi
-       if [ -e $pidfile ]; then
-               kill `cat $pidfile` \
-               && echo "$name stopped." \
-               || echo "Could not stop `cat $pidfile`."
-       else
-               echo "Cannot find $pidfile - $name not running?"
-               exit 1
-       fi
+load_rc_config $name
+: qpsmtpd_enable="NO"
+: qpsmtpd_user="smtpd"
+: qpsmtpd_group="smtpd"
+: qpsmtpd_port="2525"
+: qpsmtpd_max_per_ip="3"
+: qpsmtpd_max_connections="15"
+: qpsmtpd_listen_on=""
+start_cmd() {
+       echo "Starting $name."
+       eval $command -d --pid-file $pidfile
+stop_cmd() {
+       echo "Stopping $name."
+       kill `cat $pidfile` && rm $pidfile
 run_rc_command "$1"
--- qpsmtpd.in.2.orig   2009-12-31 14:02:18.000000000 -0500
+++ qpsmtpd.in.2        2009-12-31 14:05:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -16,85 +16,27 @@
-load_rc_config $name
-    #exits if no user is specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_user ]; then
-       echo "qpsmtpd_user not set"
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    #exits if no group is specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_group ]; then
-       echo "qpsmtpd_group not set"
-       exit 1
-    fi
-    #sets it to the default if the port is not specified
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_port ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_port="2525"
-    fi
-    #set it to the default max per ip
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_max_per_ip ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_max_per_ip="5"
-    fi
-    #set it do the max number of connections total
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_max_connections ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_max_connections="15"
-    fi
-    #set the default listen on to everything
-    if [ -z $qpsmtpd_listen_on ]; then
-       qpsmtpd_listen_on=""
-    fi
-    if [ ! -d /var/run/qpsmtpd/ ] ; then
-       mkdir /var/run/qpsmtpd
-    fi
-    chown $qpsmtpd_user:$qpsmtpd_group /var/run/qpsmtpd    
-       if [ -e $pidfile ]; then
-               echo "$name already running as PID `cat $pidfile`."
-               exit 1
-       else
-               eval $command \
-               -p $qpsmtpd_port \
-               -c $qpsmtpd_max_connections \
-               -u $qpsmtpd_user \
-               -m $qpsmtpd_max_per_ip \
-               -l $qpsmtpd_listen_on \
-               --pid-file $pidfile \
-               -d \
-               && echo "$name started as PID `cat $pidfile`." \
-               || echo "Failed to start $name"
-       fi
-       if [ -e $pidfile ]; then
-               kill `cat $pidfile` \
-               && echo "$name stopped." \
-               || echo "Could not stop `cat $pidfile`."
-       else
-               echo "Cannot find $pidfile - $name not running?"
-               exit 1
-       fi
+load_rc_config $name
+: qpsmtpd_enable="NO"
+: qpsmtpd_user="smtpd"
+: qpsmtpd_group="smtpd"
+: qpsmtpd_port="2525"
+: qpsmtpd_max_per_ip="3"
+: qpsmtpd_max_connections="15"
+: qpsmtpd_listen_on=""
+[ -z "$pidfile" ] && pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid"
+stop_cmd() {
+       echo "Stopping $name."
+       kill `cat $pidfile` && rm $pidfile
+command_args="-d --pid-file $pidfile"
 run_rc_command "$1"
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