On Mon, December 28, 2009 7:24 pm, Doug Barton wrote:
> Bernhard Froehlich wrote:
>> Looks like you installed the guest additions on the host. You should not
>> do that. They should only be installed on FreeBSD guests running in an
>> virtualbox.
> The pkg-descr and COMMENT should probably be amended to reflect this
> since it was confusing to me too. :) Perhaps something like the attached?
> Also, in looking at the shell script that is provided for the
> additions it would be nice if it could be updated to an rc.d style
> script. If anyone wants to tackle that and needs help feel free to
> follow up on the -ports list, or freebsd...@freebsd.org.

Thanks. I've applied the patch and will write a new rc.d startscript for
the guest additions. Looks like they need a bit love anyway.


Bernhard Fröhlich

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