Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> Jonathan píše v čt 10. 12. 2009 v 09:50 -0500:
>> On 12/8/2009 7:52 PM, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>> What is the policy for package building nodes? I mean, is it possible to
>>> use some machines not owned directy by
>>> For example, I have spare machine in our rack which I can lend for some
>>> period (until some production machine goes down and needs to be replaced
>>> by this spare machine) or maybe I can set up some older unused machine
>>> (IBM x336).
>>> Is deploying of new node easy task or is it something special that is
>>> not useful to do for relatively short period of time?
>> I was wondering about this myself.  I have a dual quad system that is 
>> almost completely idle most of the time and would love to see it used 
>> for something helpful to the project.  I can guarantee access to it for 
>> at least a year if that helps.
> That would be a "remote node". It's possible, but it's not for
> everybody.
> First, it will generate an obscene amount of network traffic, both ways.
> Second, you need to fully surrender it and give us root on it.
> Also remote console access or at least power toggle would be good.
> Then Mark can borg it. :)

Can't you just take a jail? Just wondering ...

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