Op Fri, 04 Dec 2009 01:09:58 +0100 schreef Claude Buisson <clbuis...@orange.fr>:


1) On November 2, I submitted a bug report (DSK-269766) to Opera concerning
Opera 10.01 for FreeBSD 6.4, namely that the binary was linked with


which do not exist in FreeBSD 6.4,

and also with


which in the correct library in FreeBSD 6.4

So Opera could not be started, with the message:

/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libstdc++.so.6" not found, required by

Unfortunately, our bug system is not open for reading by the public, but I can tell you that this bug report has been received and is being looked at by our build system maintainers. A temporary solution is to install any of the gcc 4 ports on your system (eg. lang/gcc43).

Arjan van Leeuwen
Opera Software

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